[Heath] Marauder observations

Alexander N. Gerli ac1wye at gmail.com
Wed Oct 10 21:28:36 EDT 2012

Hi, gang,

Well, here's the next chapter. Rechecked HV ps wiring and also changed the 1
megohm 2W in the HV metering line to a new metal-film 1 meg 3W. Changed the
dropping resistor in the LV supply from a 6.5K ohm 7W to a 6.8K ohm 10W.

Now, HV reads 750 at rest. Now that's more like it. But shouldn't it be
800V? I can get easily 75W out into my Waters metered DL without pushing the
drive level very far. Best to stay below that threshold for now. One thing I
don't like is the HV sags to 500V on keydown. Something tells me that a 250V
HV sag under load just shouldn't happen.100V maybe, but not 250.

Should I suspect the swinging choke at the HV PS input? Anyone have any

I still haven't changed out the .125 ohm precision resistor in the plate
"current" (aka voltage) metering line because I don't have a spare yet.
Because the original resistor has probably gone way high, the Plate
'current' reading is pegged and won't indicate a dip. I tuned up basically
by max output. I have not yet done a neutralization. I'm planning to go by
the VTVM probe-at-the-RF Out-jack method described in the manual.

Any suggestions would be most welcome.


Sandy AC1Y

Alexander N. (Sandy) Gerli
'Corgi Cottage'
548 Allred Mill Road
Mount Airy, NC 27030-2202

A Scotsmen walks about 900 miles each year
Scotsmen drink about 40 gallons of whisky each year
Scotsmen get about 25 miles per gallon

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