[Heath] SG-7 Help

Robert Groh rgroh at swbell.net
Sat Sep 29 22:54:50 EDT 2012


The 150 uF is undoubtedly an electrolytic (due to size) - the others 'may' be 
simple disk ceramics. 

I say 'may' because exact choice (for original designer) would have depended on 
application.  If a simple bypass, audio coupling cap, or the like then it 
was/is/can be replaced with a simple disk ceramic.  If part of the frequency 
determining network (eg. in audio oscillator portion) then the cap might need to 
be something different (basically temperature stability and tolerance).

And, yes, the 150 uF should have a polarization both on the schematic and on the 
actual (i.e. original) capacitor - so check.

If any questions, please feel free to contact me directly. If you have a copy of 
the schematic, providing reference designators would help.


From: Ron Kramer <kd6edv at gmail.com>
To: heath at puck.nether.net
Sent: Sat, September 29, 2012 7:41:01 PM
Subject: [Heath] SG-7 Help

I am rebuilding the unit and am looking for these caps:
150uf   Qty 1
.001uf   Qty 2
.01uf   Qty 3
.002uf   Qty 1
.05uf   Qty 1
.01uf   Qty 1
The caps are all rated at 600v. Are these electrolytic caps? The schematic does 
not show a +/- on each cap.
Does anyone have some to sell on know where I could find them?


SKCC# 3551

FPqrp# 2132
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