[Heath] AR-3 - another question

Glen Zook gzook at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 18 19:28:49 EDT 2016

You are reading the manual incorrectly!  What it means by the dual tuning capacitor is there are 2-sections to the capacitor and there is a separate bandspread capacitor.  The dial pulley is attached directly to a 1/4th inch diameter shaft that is directly attached to the main tuning capacitor rotor.  There is no reducing mechanism, of any type, in both the AR-2 and AR-3.  At least in both of my receivers.
 Glen, K9STH 
Website: http://k9sth.net

      From: Kenneth G. Gordon <kgordon2006 at frontier.com>
 To: Glen Zook <gzook at yahoo.com> 
Cc: Heath at puck.nether.net
 Sent: Monday, April 18, 2016 3:41 PM
 Subject: Re: [Heath] AR-3 - another question
On 18 Apr 2016 at 20:17, Glen Zook wrote:

> I have both an AR-2 and an AR-3.  On the AR-2 it takes 2.5 turns on the main
> tuning knob to go from end to end on the dial and on the AR-3 it takes 3 turns on
> the main tuning knob to go from end to end on the dial.

All of mine do too, but I am almost certain that is not correct. Most of those BC-band dual
tuning caps which have the two-different-sized shafts WERE reduction geared, but in my
experience, since they were very "lightly" built to begin with, they very shortly froze up. I
have a couple of those NOS which still work correctly, but those I have do not have the
correct capacitance to replace the one in the AR-3 with.

> As for the "hum" when in the CW position:
> Check the 12AV6 and the wiring around it.  Also, replace the 20 mfd capacitor
> from Pin-8 of the 12V6 to ground.

I replaced the 12AV6 and that made a big difference, and I also found loose ground
connections all over the place. I'll fix all those next.

Thank, Glenn.


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