[Heath] ICs WANTED

Alexander N. Gerli ac1wye at gmail.com
Thu Mar 3 20:01:57 EST 2016

Hi! Well, it made me laugh! The timer clock in my SB-634 has lost it.
Really! From start (get this), the SECONDS digit counts BACKWARDS from 9 to
0. The TENS digit counts up from 0 to 5, but does so every second. The
HUNDREDS digit counts from 1 to 9, triggered correctly by the TENS digit.
It's gone looney.

Now, I think that it might a GOOD idea to get my IC Lifter thingie and
reseat poor old IC204, 203 and 202.
And, according to the Manual ICOD Section, I guess I should also reseat ICs
101 and 103 on the Display Board as well.

I'm trying to keep my sense of humour sharp about this one, HI. If anyone
has any clever thoughts for me, fire away!

73,  Sandy AC1Y

Sent from Sandy'sGmail Mobile
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