[Heath] Strange-looking SB-600 spkr?

N4ch at aol.com N4ch at aol.com
Wed May 11 14:18:43 EDT 2016

Without a picture, it's hard for me to even guess what it  is.   Heathkit 
also made a smaller-than-the-SB-600 "Heathkit  green" speaker (too small to 
slide a power supply inside, but the speaker  itself was 5 by 7 
inches)......this was their model HS-1661, and was a closer  appearance match for the 
HW-104 (less expensive and non-digital readout VFO  version of the SB-104/A), 
and the HR-1680 / HX-1681 receiver and CW transmitter  pair.   The cabinet 
was a darker green.......close to the same colors  as the front panels used in 
the "SB" gear, and the grille was a lighter  color.......close to what 
Heath used in the SB cabinets.   I'm  guessing these were sold for a few years 
beginning in 1975 or maybe  1976.
73, Herman, N4CH.
In a message dated 5/11/2016 1:19:55 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
mvjohn at sympatico.ca writes:

Hammond  Manufacturing in Canada made Heath HS-34 speaker cabinets for 
Heath Canada. I  have a couple of them here...Heathkit green, but with a smaller 
cabinet; as  per your dimensions,  and speaker and the Heathkit logo is a  “
Mark  VE3LU 
From: Heath  [mailto:heath-bounces at puck.nether.net] On Behalf Of Alexander 
N.  Gerli
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 11:29 AM
To:  heath at puck.nether.net; heathkit at mailman.qth.net
Subject: [Heath]  Strange-looking SB-600 spkr?
Hi folks. I just acquired an odd SB-600. It has the same  speaker, but the 
cabinet is only 8" wide, 8" deep and 6-1/2" tall,  (not counting the front 
feet). The feet are the regular SB-style with the  risers on the front. 

It's the right color, has the heath logo on the lower right  corner of the 
grille, and the speaker mounting board is exactly like the one  in the 
SB-600. This is just SMALLER; barely larger than the standard 5x7 inch  speaker 
itself. It's in perfect shape too.

Any gurus out there know what this is?

73,  Sandy AC1Y

Sent from Sandy'sGmail  Mobile

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