[Heath] SB102 Main Tuning Knob And Friction Wheel

Glen Zook gzook at yahoo.com
Thu May 31 20:53:14 EDT 2018

It is possible to remove the fiducial adjustment knob and then the shaft with the friction drive.  There are 2-possibilities as to what is causing the slippage.  The first is that the 2-halves have lost tension.  That can be corrected by bending the halves inward at several places around the circumference.  The other possibility, usually more common, is that the shaft is slightly worn and the halves are loose.

This can be corrected by putting some good epoxy on the end of the shaft holding the 2-halves together until the epoxy hardens.  You can usually let go after a few minutes.  However, let the epoxy "cure" for at least 24-hours before putting the shaft back in the radio.
 Glen, K9STH 
Website: http://k9sth.net

      From: Rich Sahlender <wa3wlh at comcast.net>
 To: heath at puck.nether.net 
 Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2018 7:34 PM
 Subject: Re: [Heath] SB102 Main Tuning Knob And Friction Wheel
Very helpful guys. An excellent bunch as usual. Now if I could just get
the smaller friction wheel for adjusting the cal pointer to also keep
the dial indicator from moving when the VFO is tuned I'll be all set!

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