[Heath] Need Weston meters for Heath Chippewa KL1 Linear amplifier

John King k5pgw at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 10 23:23:01 EDT 2018

I recently acquired a NICE Heath Chippewa KL1 Linear with a pair of 4-400A final tubes. The power supply is producing 3,280 DC but at this point, I have not been able to get the meters to read. I have been told by the instrument technician that if the coils are open in the meters that they cannot be fixed.
Would any of you have a pair of Weston brand plastic meters for the Heath Chippewa or know where I might find a pair ? I would like to stay with the original meter shape and style so I can keep the piece of gear original.
Your suggestions and assistance in locating the meters will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks and 73, John King, K5PGW
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