[Heath] Mistake in my question to lists

Glen Zook gzook at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 22 13:25:59 EDT 2018

There is one thing about the Mohawk that is misunderstood, and often improperly used, is the fact that there is a 3rd gain control.  In addition to the "normal" audio gain (volume) control and the "R.F. Gain" control, there is the I.F. gain control.  Getting that control properly adjusted requires a "bit" of experience with how the receiver actually works.

 Glen, K9STH 
Website: http://k9sth.net

      From: Kenneth G. Gordon <kgordon2006 at frontier.com>
 To: John King via Heath <heath at puck.nether.net> 
 Sent: Monday, October 22, 2018 11:18 AM
 Subject: Re: [Heath] Mistake in my question to lists
On 22 Oct 2018 at 0:28, John King via Heath wrote:

> I apologize for saying Apache. The BFO question has to do with my
> Mohawk. Thanks to Brian for catching my error. 

No need to apologize: we are all human and make mistakes. That particular mistake is a 
very small one. :-)

> I was very tired from working on the Mohawk all day.

Neat! I've always thought the Mohawk was a very interesting receiver, and always wanted 

It has a HUGE amount of "potential" as far as I am concerned. 

I believe the Mohawk was Heath's first attempt at a competitive ham band receiver, and 
although they made some very significant mistakes in its electronic design, I have always 
felt that using the knowledge we have learned since then, that it could fairly easily be made 
into a first class receiver.

At least it is big enough that one can get ones hands into it. :-)

> I guess I am too old for that lengthy attempt to concentrate.' 

Ha ha! No. You're not. I'm 76 and love working on these sorts of equipment.

> The receiver is a MOHAWK. 73, John, L5PGW

Yup. Got it. Mohawk.

Have you had a chance to look at the Bonomo upgrades to the Mohawk? 

They were quite extensive. The early ones were published in Electric Radio Magazine 
(www.ermag.com), and he followed those up with some further ones in some magazine 
headquartered in California.

Although he did some amazing upgrades to the Mohawk, I would have done some things a 
bit differently than he did. 

For one thing, I have a particular liking for the so-called "Pullen" mixer....which is seldom 
implemented totally correctly. (http://www.w7ekb.com/glowbugs/rx/receivers.htm, 9) The 
Pullen Mixer.)

And there have recently been some other articles on the Mohawk in ER Mag, authored by 
another fellow who found a rather odd thing about the first mixer stage, at least in his 

And there was another short article on significantly improving the AGC system in the 
Mohawk a few months ago in ER Mag.

Please keep us informed of your progress (or lack of it) and your experiiences with your 
Mohawk. I am certain that there are others here who would be very interested, as I am.

vy 73 for now.

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