[Heath] VF-1

howard holden holden7471 at msn.com
Mon Apr 8 00:54:28 EDT 2019

I recently acquired the subject unit for a pittance, and assumed it would inoperative, which is so. It’s mechanically all there, and unbent, major parts are all intact, just the expected build up crud of 60 ish years. HOWEVER, it had been converted, using two mosfets  a la W1EBW in a QST article about 1972. 

Question: should I simply attempt to get the conversion working, or restore it to something more original? I’m inclined toward the original, but a VF-1 is not a rare bird.  Parts, although not genuine original, are no problem either way. 

Thanks for your thoughts. 

73, Howie WB2AWQ
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