You all may not be aware of it, but Gary (FG), sold the manual business back, I believe, October 2005. Manuals now originate out of Indiana and the new name is Vintage Manuals, Inc. Of course, I'm still around, even after 13 years. Pete, wa2cwa Over 16,000 manuals available Hi Dick, I totally agree with you. Get all my manuals from W7FG and have always gotten excellent reproductions. He always sends you the foldouts and two copies of the schematic. In one case, I received an original Heathkit manual in new condition. Plus they are very fast. Usually get the copies in three days. Nice folks! 73. Wayne, W4GBW Dick Singer/K6KSG wrote: >Ron, > >I too was needing a manual for a piece of equipment. The free ones were hard to read the schematic and the manual was partially missing. > >I wound up getting on from W7FG and paying for it. So I was skeptical doing so but when I received the manual it was primo - it looked like an original manual and very clear. > >So I suggest if you want a complete manual spring for $25.00 and get it at I don't think you would be disappointed. > >73 >Dick Singer/K6KSG ----------------------------------------------------------- Products bought, sold or traded here is the responsibility of the parties involved. This list and the City of Tempe are not responsible for losses or misrepresentations of any kind. Buyer beware! ----------------------------------------------------------- This list is a public service of the City of Tempe, Arizona ----------------------------------------------------------- Subscription control - To post - HEATH@LISTSERV.TEMPE.GOV Archives -