<div dir="ltr">I acquired Zenith ZF-110 from someone that gave me for a good home. I inspected and found it had a dual floppy drive and everything looks like a standard model. Unfortunately, it does not have HD controller, Gemini board, and software.<br><br>Many years ago, I owned Zenith ZF-121 which was one of my best computers and it fitted with amber screen (I hate green). Also, it equipped with Gemini board, Winchester controller with a second board attached, Core International brand hard drive, and 256kB memory boards with a full set of software provided by Heath/Zenith. I love it so much and enjoyed programming. <br><br>Unfortunately, when I moved to South Florida from New York. Everything went stolen along with Heathkit H8, H9, H10, H19 and H29 and many hardware and software disappeared. I do not want to tell more about this incident but people who steal it was arrested about 8 months later but things were sold somewhere and not recoverable. Also included a lot of S100 system and SS-50 too.<br>For so many years passed, I still miss my vintage things and finally, I got H19, H88, H89 from eBay but impossible to get H8 because they want a lot of money while I am on social security check every month (retired).<br><br>My goal was successful that I got Zenith ZF-110 but no software. The former owner who gave to me stated the entire of his software and binders soaked with water due basement flooded. He threw most of his things away.<br><br>I also look for a complete library of Technical Design Labs in paper tapes. Only that I have TDL 12K Basic which considers being very powerful language programming contained full Zilog Z80 instruction instead of Intel 8080 that I searched for almost 20 years and finally, I have it in my hands but several other paper tapes need. I also search for Zenith ZF-121, all-in-one computer too.<br>Perhaps, you may have hardware and software that need a good home. Please let me know and can discuss it.<br><br>I forward to hear from you.<br><br>Thank you very much and God blessing you!<br>Steven<br></div>