[j-nsp] BGP AS-path Regular Expressions

Elliott, Andrew AElliott@xo.com
Thu, 25 Jul 2002 10:02:10 -0500

set policy-options as-path MY_AS-PATH_FILTER_LIST _4134$

*Keep in mind that just creating the list isn't going to do anything, until
you associate it to a policy ie:

set policy-options policy-statement ACCEPT_AS_4134 from as-path
set policy-options policy-statement ACCEPT_AS_4134 then accept

*Then you are going to need to associate the policy with the peer

set protocols bgp group AS4134 import ACCEPT_AS_4134

**Disclaimer:  I have never done this before, so this may not be perfectly
correct, but I think it is fairly close.


-----Original Message-----
From: Raymond Leung [mailto:rlcw@zonasa.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 10:35 AM
To: juniper-nsp@puck.nether.net
Subject: [j-nsp] BGP AS-path Regular Expressions

if i just wanna add a router like this in juniper , what should i do ?

ip as-path access-list 8 permit _4134$

please advice


With Regards,

Raymond Leung                                   mailto:rlcw@zonasa.com
Network Analyst
Zonasa Network Limited

Suite 903,Technology Plaza                      Tel:+852-31053073
651 King's Road                                 Fax:+852-25900403
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Hong Kong

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