[j-nsp] L3VPN management

Adam Szymajda aszymajd at wp.pl
Thu Jul 17 14:08:17 EDT 2003

Hi all, 

I want to create a management network for L3VPN, by simply 
adding an additional VRF on one of the PE's. It is supposed to 
import the loopback addressess of all the CE's, while all other 
VRF's are to import the route to the management network. While 
this is quite easy to do with separate route target for the CE's 
attached to any other PE, it won't work for the CE attached to 
the same PE as the management network (the CE's loopbacks won't 
be placed in bgp.l3vpn.0 table on this particular PE). The only 
thing that goes through my mind is to creat rib-groups, but that 
requires a lot of configuration when there's significant amount 
of the VRF's (two rib-groups per each vrf). My question is 
whether you know any other, more convenient way to do it. 
Hope this is clear :-) 
Best regards, 

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