[j-nsp] aggregates - active/passive option

Jeroen Valcke jeroen.valcke at belnet.be
Wed Feb 2 04:10:17 EST 2005


I was experimenting a bit with aggregate routes and noticed something
which seems weird to me.

I have configured a series of aggregate routes with the JunOS default
parameters (by default the active parameter is set). The aggregate
routes don't get installed in the routing table, since I don't have any
contributing routes. So that's quite normal.

Then when I change the active/passive parameter to passive for all these
aggregate routes, they do get installed in the routing table. I find
this to be weird since the doc says; 

	passive - Have a route remain continually installed in the
	routing and forwarding tables even when it becomes inactive.

Reading this, one would expect that the route should at least have been
active before. Then how come it installs the aggregate route although
the route itself has never been active?

Best regards,

Configuring Aggregate Routes

Active/Passive Parameter for Aggregate Routes

Jeroen Valcke

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