[j-nsp] Re: RE2/RE3 and unwarranted reboots

Jonas Frey jf at probe-networks.de
Fri Jul 1 05:48:49 EDT 2005

> If my assumption is correct, and the REs talk to each other only via
> ethernet and userspace processes... could you give us some insight about
> the possible problems faced with interacting REs with different speeds?

I guess its simply a question on syncronisation, one RE is just faster
as the other one, so either one will slow the other one down (probably)
and probably hit some watchdog which then will be causing problems.

Another pretty nasty "feature" i noticed is that if you put a additional
SSB-E into a M20, it will reinitialize the first SSB thus causing
disruption. I dont see any reason for that, the second SSB is backup so
there shouldnt be a reinitialization...


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