[j-nsp] CoS 802.1p rewriting

Josef Buchsteiner josefb at juniper.net
Sat Jul 2 07:02:16 EDT 2005


on  M-Serie router we can only do the default ieee rewrite rule. So no
matter  what  ieee  rewrite  rule you will define only the default one
will  be  loaded.  On  M320  and T-Serie the 801.1p can be customized.
Since your traffic is using forwarding-class be+bbe mapped into Q1 the
default rewrite code-point is 010.

Rewrite rule: ieee8021p-default, Code point type: ieee-802.1, Index: 26
  Forwarding class                    Loss priority       Code point
  best-effort                         low                 000            
  best-effort                         high                001            
  expedited-forwarding                low                 010            
  expedited-forwarding                high                011            
  assured-forwarding                  low                 100            
  assured-forwarding                  high                101            
  network-control                     low                 110            
  network-control                     high                111

  hope this helps

Friday, July 1, 2005, 5:58:58 PM, you wrote:

LD> Hello,
LD>  I've a problem for QoS deployment in JUNOS (v.7.0). I've a testbed with
LD>  a M7i on which there are 2 interfaces, ge-0/0/0 and ge-1/3/0. I make a
LD>  DSCP classification on ge-0/0/0 for the incoming trafic and I rewrite
LD>  the 802.1p field on ge-1/3/0 for the trafic outgoing towards a switch on
LD>  which I can see the 802.1p field which is transmitted. I want that the
LD>  trafic tagged with DSCP=0 incoming on ge-0/0/0 is rewritten on the
LD>  ge-1/3/0 outgoing towards the switch with a 802.1p field=001, but it
LD>  doesn't work, the trafic is rewritten systematically  with a 802.1p=010,
LD>  why ???
LD>  Here is a sample of my configuration (I've removed some parts like for
LD>  forwarding-classes lbe, premium and network-control for a less big
LD>  configuration).
LD>  [class-of-service]
LD>      classifiers {
LD>          dscp test-dscp {
LD>              forwarding-class be+bbe {
LD>                  loss-priority low code-points 000000;
LD>                  loss-priority high code-points 000010;
LD>              }
LD>          }
LD>          ieee-802.1 test-802.1p {
LD>              forwarding-class be+bbe {
LD>                  loss-priority low code-points 001;
LD>                  loss-priority high code-points 011;
LD>              }
LD>         }
LD>      }
LD>      forwarding-classes {
LD>          queue 0 lbe;
LD>          queue 1 be+bbe;  
LD>          queue 2 premium;
LD>          queue 3 network-control;
LD>      }
LD>      interfaces {
LD>          ge-0/0/0 {
LD>              unit 0 {
LD>                  classifiers {
LD>                      dscp test-dscp;
LD>                  }
LD>              }
LD>          }
LD>          ge-1/3/0 {
LD>              unit 0 {
LD>                  classifiers {
LD>                      ieee-802.1 test-802.1p;
LD>                  }
LD>                  rewrite-rules {
LD>                      ieee-802.1 test-802.1p;
LD>                  }
LD>              }
LD>          }
LD>      }
LD>      rewrite-rules {
LD>          ieee-802.1 test-802.1p {
LD>              forwarding-class be+bbe {
LD>                  loss-priority low code-point 001;
LD>                  loss-priority high code-point 011;
LD>              }
LD>          }
LD>      }
LD>  }
LD>  Can you help me ?
LD>  Thanks.
LD>  --
LD>  Lionel DAVID - CORAP                                            
LD>  _______________________________________________
LD>  juniper-nsp mailing list juniper-nsp at puck.nether.net
LD>  http://puck.nether.net/mailman/listinfo/juniper-nsp


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