[j-nsp] Strange xntpd log messages

Jee Kay jeekay at gmail.com
Thu Jun 23 02:36:56 EDT 2005

I'm getting a lot of messages like these in my logs from two M7is:

xntpd[17536]: bind() fd 23, family 2, port 123, addr,
in_classd=0 flags=0: Can't assign requested address

The address isn't anywhere in the router's config and my
googling skills are failing to produce an answer, only the same
question from others.

Does anyone know what is causing this and how to stop it? Other
queries seem to have concluded it is some internal Juniper addressing
that can't be changed (wonder what would happen if was the
address of my real NTP server?) - if so, does anyone know what
specific logging option is causing this to be logged so I can turn it
off? :)


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