[j-nsp] firewall filter anomaly in M20

juniper at arnes.si juniper at arnes.si
Wed Sep 7 09:22:37 EDT 2005

Hi, all!

We hit into some weird problems on Juniper M20, running JUNOS 6.4R3.4 (or 7.1R2.2). It
looks like the firewall filter spontaneously changes its behaviour without any configuration
changes. We observed the following incidents:

1) All telnet sessions from outside world towards local networks were dropped.
   JUNOS 6.4-20050107.0
   A filter term, that denied telnet from source X somehow "changed" to "deny telnet
   from any".
   Solution: changing the filter and changing it back again to the original state.

2) Suddenly all traffic marked with a specific DSCP value was dropped.
   JUNOS 7.1R2.2
   We have a term in a firewall filter that counts this kind of traffic. It looks like
   "count and accept" changed to "discard".

3) Forwarding through the local GE interface stopped.
   JUNOS 7.1R2.2
   A firewall filter began to "accept and LOG/syslog" _all_ IP traffic that should be
   silently accepted and forwarded. System was unreachable via the local GE interface and
   router had to be reloaded.

4) IPv6 firewall filter drops packets from other neighboring routers.
   JUNOS 6.R3.4
   Some term in IPv6 firewall filter "decided" to drop packets that were explicitly
   allowed in the filter. Normal behavior was restored when filter was removed from
   the interface and placed back again unchanged.

Has anybody observed similar behaviour?
Any hint or help appreciated,

	with best regards,
	Matjaz Straus

Matjaz Straus, ARNES       matjaz.straus at arnes.si
Jamova 39, p.p.7, SI-1001  Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel:+386 1 479-88-00       fax:+386 1 479-88-99
PGP public key at: http://www.arnes.si/~matjaz/

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