[j-nsp] Today's frustration: ERX lack of "description" field

Olaf Baumert juniper at baumert.cc
Mon Dec 18 17:33:49 EST 2006

sthaug at nethelp.no writes: 


> My personal preferences are definitely the M/T series, but I also
> work with ERX. My current ERX frustration is the incredibly stupid/
> insane/non-intuitive lack of a plain interface description field.

iirc this behaviour is a "tribute" to the virtual-router issue.
any configuration regarding layer 1+2 depends on the virtual-router default.
Any configuration above is in the context of the virtual-router wehrer 
configured (which can be != default). 

So you can have ethernet/atm/sonet/...-description per physical interface 
... or even per subinterface and extra descriptions per ip-interface ... 

we're using layer1+2 descriptions for cabling infos and ip descriptions for 
customers or similar infos. 



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