[j-nsp] FW: strict-high priority queue

Eric Van Tol eric at atlantech.net
Tue Jun 13 18:19:50 EDT 2006

Sorry for the duplicate post, but I haven't gotten any feedback on the
questions presented below.  I was hoping this would be something that
could be answered here, since some of the authors of the Sybex books are
members of the list.  


Subject: [j-nsp] strict-high priority queue

Hi all,
I've been doing some testing with QoS configs and according to the
following page:


if a queue is configured with a strict-high priority setting, the
transmit-rate has no effect because the strict-high is given the full
interface bandwidth.  However, from what I've seen, the if the
'transmit-rate' is configured for strict-high, it does have at least
some effect.  For instance, when configuring any rate greater than about
35%, the strict-high queue starts to drop packets.  

In addition, it states that queues configured with strict-high
*shouldn't* be configured with a transmit-rate.  However, on page 655 of
the Sybex JNCIE book, the expedited-forwarding queue is strict-high with
a transmit-rate.

Two questions:

1.  Why does strict-high drop packets when configured with too high of a
2.  Which method is correct?  The JNCIE example or the JUNOS docs?

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