[j-nsp] Cisco-Juniper RSVP aggregate interop

Richard A Steenbergen ras at e-gerbil.net
Fri May 16 17:15:15 EDT 2008

I'm trying to set up RSVP on a path that goes Cisco-Juniper-Cisco, but 
running into what appears to be some type of interop problem with RSVP 
when using aggregate.

Basically the Cisco on either end (this happens on both devices depending 
on the direction of the LSP) thinks the Juniper in the middle isn't RSVP 
capable, and constantly generates patherr's:

May 16 19:05:25.683 UTC: RSVP: x.x.x.x_92->x.x.x.x_1001[x.x.x.x]: PATH: 
non-RSVP-capable hop between prev-hop and me (ip ttl=254, rsvp ttl=253) 
for new path

The Juniper and Cisco both think that refresh reduction is supported and 
the remote end is using it as well:

Address: x.x.x.x via: blah status: Up
  Last changed time: 49:58, Idle: 10 sec, Up cnt: 1, Down cnt: 0
  Message received: 694
  Hello: sent 331, received: 329, interval: 9 sec
  Remote instance: 0xf6ee3e98, Local instance: 0xcb19f014
  Refresh reduction:  operational
    Remote end: enabled, Ack-extension: enabled

And I can even do rsvp Cisco-Juniper w/aggregate just fine, but as soon as 
the path goes Cisco-Juniper-Cisco RSVP breaks. If I turn on interface blah 
no-aggregate (reliable doesn't seem to have any effect) the problem goes 
away and everything signals correctly.

Relevent Cisco side config:

ip rsvp signalling refresh reduction
ip rsvp signalling hello
ip rsvp signalling hello statistics
ip rsvp policy preempt

interface Tunnel1001
 ip unnumbered Loopback0
 load-interval 30
 tag-switching ip
 tunnel destination x.x.x.x
 tunnel mode mpls traffic-eng
 tunnel mpls traffic-eng affinity 0x0 mask 0x1
 tunnel mpls traffic-eng path-option 10 dynamic
 tunnel mpls traffic-eng record-route
 tunnel mpls traffic-eng fast-reroute
 tunnel mpls traffic-eng auto-bw 

interface blah
 mpls traffic-eng tunnels
 tag-switching ip
 ip rsvp bandwidth 10000000
 ip rsvp signalling hello
 ip rsvp signalling hello refresh interval 1000

Juniper config:

rsvp {
    interface blah {
        subscription 95;
        bandwidth 9g;
        update-threshold 3;

Is there something I'm missing here?

Richard A Steenbergen <ras at e-gerbil.net>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
GPG Key ID: 0xF8B12CBC (7535 7F59 8204 ED1F CC1C 53AF 4C41 5ECA F8B1 2CBC)

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