[j-nsp] JNCIP Question about ssh-rsa key

Matthew Walster matthew at walster.org
Thu Aug 20 10:51:29 EDT 2009

2009/8/20 Nam, Nguyen Hoang <nhnam at j-protek.net>

> When I config ssh-rsa key  begin "1024 ....

The 1024 is there for you, not for the key - the parses already knows it's
1024-bit, hence the big long base-64 string.

> My question is how to config ssh-rsa to affect the authentication

Just prefix the key with ssh-rsa, for example:

            authentication {
                ssh-rsa "ssh-rsa AAAAB...";

Then it'll work fine. It's counter-intuitive, but if you just paste in the
whole line from ".ssh/id_rsa.pub" you should be fine.

Matthew Walster

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