[j-nsp] PFE-forwarded IPv6

Jonathan Lassoff jof at thejof.com
Tue Dec 22 22:49:13 EST 2009

Excerpts from Truman Boyes's message of Tue Dec 22 18:25:23 -0800 2009:
> Have you enabled the tunnel-services statement at the [ edit chassis fpc
> slot-number pic pic-number] stanza?

Thanks Truman!

Nope. I've yet to find reference to this in the documentation relating
to setting up tunnels. Do you have any recommendations for where I find
out more about what this is doing architectually? 

On which slot and pic number do you think I should choose? I read that
the MX's DPCs have built-in tunnel-services PICs along with a number of
fixed interface PICs.

I assumed I should choose the DPC and PIC number for the upstream
interface that goes towards the tunnel's outer IP destination:

jof at mx1.sfo2-re0> show configuration chassis fpc 3  
pic 0 {
    tunnel-services {
        bandwidth 1g;

However, I'm still seeing the same ICMPv6 responses, and traffic is not


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