[j-nsp] Bgp peer sessions flap in 165k-245k pps/sec DoS

Samit janasamit at wlink.com.np
Sun Feb 15 02:17:46 EST 2009


Today early in the morning around 4am we had a udp based DoS from the
Internet destinate to one of my customer network for about over 1.5hr.
The pps rate was from 165k to 245k peak and at the rate of around 90Mbps
as per the mrtg graphs. I don't have any Qos running, but I noticed
later that all Bgp peer sessions flapped during that period though I
have plenty of capacity in my upstream as well as in downstream links,
therefore I don't call it M7i fully survived and handled it. M7i is
capable of forwarding 16million pps and additionally I have plenty of
free bandwidth available, so there should not be any interface buffer
exhaustion or link saturation.  Therefore, I failed to understood the
reason of the BGP flaps. Can anyone help me explain to understand?


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