[j-nsp] Web Interface

Michael Dale mdale at dalegroup.net
Fri Nov 6 23:34:55 EST 2009

Hi All,

I've just started using an SRX210 to learn JunOS, so that when the time comes we can easily replace our existing SSG devices but one thing that I don't understand is why the web interface on JunOS is so bad.

Does anyone else think this?

On the SRX210 is it significantly slower that the old SSG5s interface, and it is really really buggy. It is basically unusable.

My main issues:

1) Slower, probably half the speed of the old SSG range of devices.
2) Buggy, for example I get the following errors:
+"Error in client:system-identification" in the messages log section (Dashboard)
+ The sessions count simply displays "NaN"  (Dashboard)
+ Under System Identification I get serial number "Unknown" and none of the other fields are populated.  (Dashboard)
+ I get "The data refresh failed"  error in a number of different sections.

This is using the latest version of Firefox and JunOS 10.0.

It really feels like a step back from ScreenOS.

I do really like the command line, and it is better than ScreenOS. By why is the web interface so bad? Is it just me?

I fired up my old J2300 router running 9.3 and it is much much faster and less buggy, so what is going on?!

/end rant :)


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