[j-nsp] Tunnel services on the DPCE-R-20GE-2XGE

Tore Anderson tore.anderson at redpill-linpro.com
Mon Jan 4 07:09:31 EST 2010

* Mertens, Bart (NSN - BE/Herentals)

> You are not oversubscribing that 'pic'. There is a bandwith of 14ge per
> 'pic' (per 10x1ge port, or per 1x10ge port).

I see, thanks for clearing that up for me.

> When you then create a tunnel interface on a pic with 10x1ge port, you
> still have more then
> Enough capacity to create a 11th phantom port, without loosing capacity
> or oversubscribing.
> This is also the reason, with a 4x10ge card, that you have to sacrifice
> 1 physical port.
> There is not enough spare bandwith to allocate a phantom port...

I would think I should be well within the 14 Gb limit with a 10 GbE
physical port plus a 1 Gb "phantom" tunneling port.  The configuration
(same as the one Peder Bach posted) committed fine but it simply didn't
work (unless I used "bandwidth 10g" instead, thereby disabling the
physical port).

Which is a shame, since that's what I would have wanted the most...

Best regards,
Tore Anderson
Redpill Linpro AS - http://www.redpill-linpro.com/
Tel: +47 21 54 41 27

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