[j-nsp] MX240

Keith kwoody at citytel.net
Mon May 10 21:44:21 EDT 2010

We are replacing an aged 7206vxr w/G1. We have a price point and our cisco
rep came in on that price point with 2 ASR1002 10GE and 5 SFP's, 2 of
them for redundency.

Our Juniper quote came back with a fully redundent MX240 with 8 SFP's at
the same price point. It has a MX-MPC1-3D line card and the 20 port GigE

Never used Juniper except for an M10i we had to play with in our lab for
about a month 5 or 6 years ago.

How much router is the MX240 compared to the 1002? Is it worth it to even
compare the two platforms?

Both reps from both companies knew they were going against one another and
I think what Juniper offered is more bang for the buck so to speak.

We take 3 x OC3's from our upstream, one BGP feed. We are looking 3 to 5
yrs out and the MX240 looks to be better on paper, but is it "too much"
router for what we have? Can one have "too much" router?

I'd kind of like some real world info on the Juniper product since we
don't know as much as we'd like, so I figured to ask here.

Thanks and regards,

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