[j-nsp] l2circuit communities

Richard A Steenbergen ras at e-gerbil.net
Tue May 25 03:21:02 EDT 2010

On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 07:46:17PM -0400, Phil Bedard wrote:
> A little different scenario but I'm using CBF with a cos next-hop-map
> to set specific lsp-next-hops for CoS classes, also using autobw, and
> I'm not seeing similar behavior. 
> One thing I noticed is while the router is doing the MBB/re-signal the
> "ActiveRoute" value will drop to 0, but then it immediately goes back
> up to the prior value, so it makes you wonder what's going on behind
> the scenes. 
> I'm using 9.3R3.8, hope thing isn't something introduced later... 
> Are your paths actually changing output interfaces/paths or is it just
> a BW re-signal? 

Just doing a bandwidth resignal, nothing else is changing. I see the 
same behavior with the ActiveRoute count, it drops to 0 for about 14 
seconds after the resignal, then pops back up to where it was before.

I don't have anything in the 9.3's to test, but 9.6S5 is definitely
doing the same thing. I also confirmed that the route changes in
rtsockmon are from routes pointing to LSPs which just resignaled, which
stops as soon as the install-nexthop config goes away. I'm not
particularly interested in going to a full cos next-hop-map setup, but
this is definitely broken as-is. :)

Richard A Steenbergen <ras at e-gerbil.net>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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