[j-nsp] MX and microbursting...

Derick Winkworth dwinkworth at att.net
Mon Apr 11 13:43:34 EDT 2011


I have a Cisco 7206VXR w/NPE-G2 attached to an MX.  The issue I am seeing is 
ignored packets on the 7200.  It turns out, the 1G interfaces on the NPE-G2 have 
128 packet rx-rings and this is not a tunable thing.  

I have tuned up buffers and hold-queues on the 7200 and this has drastically 
reduced the number of dropped packets, but still there is this rx-ring 
limitation.  This is actually a fairly well known issue as I understand it.

Is there anything I could do on the MX to control the microbursting outbound 
towards the 7200? 


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