[j-nsp] Debug vmcore files

Richard A Steenbergen ras at e-gerbil.net
Tue Mar 1 11:44:00 EST 2011

On Tue, Mar 01, 2011 at 07:21:58AM -0500, Scott T. Cameron wrote:
> You could use gdb.  But the likelihood of any success without source 
> code is slim.

You'd be absolutely amazed how much JTAC stupidity can be avoided by 
looking at the coredump backtrace yourself, without needing source 
access. As I understand it they use some point and click tool for 
automatically identifying PRs which match a coredump, and in my 
experience their tool is on crack a VERY high percentage of the time. 
Being able to say "uh no, that's not even close to what I see in the 
backtrace, please try again" can literally cut months off the time it 
takes for a case to be resolved.

Richard A Steenbergen <ras at e-gerbil.net>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
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