[j-nsp] Junos M120 Subscriber Management (issue DNS server)

Mauritz Lewies mauritz at three6five.com
Wed Nov 9 11:06:08 EST 2011


We've got a M120 terminating pppoe sessions, with majority of the attributes set via Radius.
However we're limited into using a ZTE Radius server.

Every few weeks this fails and we're forced to wait for the ZTE guys to resolve their issues before new sessions can establish.

We've tested by setting the access profile authentication order to "none" and users can connect and get an IP address out of the local IP address pool.
However we can't get a DNS server issued.

I see that under JUNOSe this can be done by setting the following:
virtual-router default 

aaa dns primary x.x.x.x 

But I can not find a similar command in Junos.

Anyone know how to do this?

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