[j-nsp] Does a L3VPN RR require routing-instance for each VRF?

Phil Mayers p.mayers at imperial.ac.uk
Tue Nov 29 07:37:46 EST 2011

As per subject line: if we want to use a JunOS box (M7i, running 10.4) 
as a route-reflector, it seems to reject inet-vpn routes with:

bgp_rcv_nlri: 129.x.x.0:4:193.x.x.0/92 rejected due to the lack of a 
valid target community

I was hoping we could avoid the hassle of defining the VRF on the RRs if 
possible, but I guess that is required - am I missing some obvious / 
subtle point why that is the case, or some way of making it work?


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