[j-nsp] Booting from PCMCIA M7i

Abdul 2012 abturkii at gmail.com
Mon Apr 30 16:45:28 EDT 2012

Hello Everyone,

I have created a booting media with PCMCIA card for my m7i router through
the following procedure

user1 at 3-1> start shell
% cd /var/tmp
% pwd
% ls
install-media-10.4R8.5-domestic vi.recover
% su
root at 3G-1% dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ad3 count=20
ad3: rejecting BSD label: raw partition offset != slice offset
ad3: start 256, end 374783, size 374528
ad3c: start 0, end 374527, size 374528
ad3s1: rejecting BSD label: raw partition offset != slice offset
ad3s1: start 256, end 374783, size 374528
ad3s1c: start 0, end 374527, size 374528
ad3s2: rejecting BSD label: raw partition offset != slice offset
ad3s2: start 375040, end 749567, size 374528
ad3s2c: start 0, end 374527, size 374528
ad3s3: rejecting BSD label: raw partition offset != slice offset
ad3s3: start 749568, end 1748991, size 999424
ad3s3c: start 0, end 999423, size 999424
ad3s4: rejecting BSD label: raw partition offset != slice offset
ad3s4: start 1748992, end 2000895, size 251904
ad3s4c: start 0, end 251903, size 251904
20+0 records in
20+0 records out
10240 bytes transferred in 0.057968 secs (176649 bytes/sec)

root at 3G-1% dd if=install-media-10.4R8.5-domestic of=/dev/ad3 bs=64k
dscheck(ad3): b_bcount 13383 is not on a sector boundary (ssize 512)
dd: /dev/ad3: Invalid argument
5630+1 records in
5630+0 records out
368967680 bytes transferred in 361.656024 secs (1020217 bytes/sec)
root at 3G-1%

When I try to boot my router from this PCMCIA card I stuck in the

Award Modular BIOS v4.51PG, An Energy Star Ally
Copyright (C) 1984-98, Award Software, Inc.

BIOS Version 1.8

Will try to boot from :
Compact Flash
Primary IDE Hard Disk
Boot Sequence is reseted due to a PowerUp

Trying to Boot from PCMCIA ATA Flash Card
CD Loader 1.00

              uilding the boot loader arguments
locating the loader and the BTX

What does that mean? Is there any wrong thing with my procedure?


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