[j-nsp] QFX3500 optics lock?

Saku Ytti saku at ytti.fi
Tue Jan 10 03:11:43 EST 2012

On (2012-01-10 07:26 +0100), Daniel Roesen wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 09, 2012 at 04:02:14PM -0600, Richard A Steenbergen wrote:
> > FWIW they've actually had serious problems interoperating correctly with 
> > copper SFPs from other vendors, on EX and MX. There are still unsolved 
> > issues with ports showing link state up despite nothing being plugged 
> > in. :)
> Juniper uses Methode Elec. OEM SFPs. Those work fine.
> Stay away from Finisar units, they have such phantom link problems.

JNPR actually claimed that this problem was going to be fixed on 10.4R7
(PR665918, by you). I got such claim in ticket 2011-0725-0041.

I've heard elsewhere that it has not been fixed. I don't care any more,
sourced enough methode cuSFPs from flexoptix.

MX80 experiences this same problem with with even JNPR optics for ISG and
SRX at least. It boggles the mind vendor would internally want to use
different optics for different vendors, seems losing bet.


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