[j-nsp] IPv6 an Advanced Feature? Cmon

sthaug at nethelp.no sthaug at nethelp.no
Sun May 13 09:44:14 EDT 2012

> Is there a reason that IPv6 is mostly down as an Advanced Feature?
> Given we're trying to encourage the whole world into moving to IPv6 and
> given there is little or no end-user business case to doing so - which
> makes things hard enough.  All desktop/server operating systems, IPv6 is a
> free inclusion.
> Why is Juniper charging for IPv6 routing in the base image?

Supposedly because the EX business unit decided it was in their best
interest to do so. You'll note that Juniper is not (any longer) charging
extra for IPv6 for M/MX/T series routers.

Talk to your account team.

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sthaug at nethelp.no

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