[j-nsp] SRX240 Series and BGP Routes (and other things)

Skeeve Stevens skeeve+junipernsp at eintellegonetworks.com
Wed Feb 20 04:19:30 EST 2013

Hey all,

I've just noticed something interesting in the SRX Branch Datasheet located
at: http://www.juniper.net/us/en/local/pdf/datasheets/1000281-en.pdf

Previous to this version, the SRX240B could do 32k BGP routes, and the
SRX240H could do 64k.

The new version just lists 600k (for both versions).  This is a 10 times
increase on the previous version of the document.  I am just not sure how
right that is.

I am not sure what has changed, and am assuming that the SRX240(H.B)2
versions are now able to take a full table (430k or so).

I wanted to clarify if this was simply due to the RAM increase on the
Series 2 models, or did something else change in the Junos version shipping
with them to increase this number.

I've also just noticed that the Throughput now says 1.8 Gbps for the
SRX240, but the old one said 1.5Gbps.  Firewall IMIX also has increased by
100Mbps too. Strangely the Connections per second has dropped from 9,000 to
8,500 and IPS has dropped from 250Mbps to 230Mbps.

OSFP, Static and RIP routes have also gone through the roof as well.

The old document was under Junos 10.3, and the new one is 11.4R5

So in some ways the device has increased in performance, and others,
decreased.  Kinda weird.

I'd also like to understand if this means that a SRX240H2 can hold 600k
BGP, 200k OSPF, 200k RIPv2 and 256K Static routes at the same time, or is
there some ratio'ing going on here?  It also doesn't talk about IPv6 routes
at all (which normally require double the space to store).

Also, Juniper, shouldn't the document differentiate between the Series 1
and Series 2 capabilities?

This isn't meant to be a rant... it just has a lot of inconsistencies that
I don't get and would love an explanation to.


*Skeeve Stevens - *eintellego Networks Pty Ltd
skeeve at eintellegonetworks.com ; www.eintellegonetworks.com

Phone: 1300 239 038; Cell +61 (0)414 753 383 ; skype://skeeve

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