[j-nsp] Junos 11.4R1.6 shipping on new EX-series switches, serious problems

Chris Adams cma at cmadams.net
Sun Jun 23 18:02:50 EDT 2013

Once upon a time, Gavin Henry <ghenry at suretec.co.uk> said:
> We're getting two EX4200's and two MX5's delivered this week. Hope
> they have the recommend JTAC versions on them!

Why do you expect they will?  The recommended releases are not very old;
it isn't like Juniper (or any other vendor) is going to pull back all
the stock in the supply chain and reload the OS every time they change
the recommended release.  Larger deployments are probably running a
specific version that they've tested anyway (so are likely to reload all
new gear out of the box).  I always needed to load the image with SSH
(even if the release was a "favorable" version).

Now, I ran into the same problem as the OP with the EX where cli crashed
repeatedly while I was trying to load a new version.  That should never
have made it through QA to go out the door; the software should have
never been released like that, and it certainly shouldn't have been sent
to manufacturing to put on shipping hardware.

Chris Adams <cma at cmadams.net>

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