[j-nsp] EX9200 DHCP Relay

chris at sdnessentials.com chris at sdnessentials.com
Tue Sep 16 10:02:34 EDT 2014

Juniper Geniuses,
I'm trying to set up some basic DHCP relay on an EX9200. The CLI rejects the "forwarding-options bootp" syntax, saying "unsupported platform". 
Googling for some documentation, I came across "DHCP Relay Minimum Configuration":
Now, while I've come to understand that this DHCP Relay configuration was specifically meant to be for MX subscriber management, this particular page happens to be under the EX9200 documentation (I also realize the EX9200 is basically an MX). I've also read that it's kind of buggy (or was in 2012...). I also tried labbing this using some Fireflies and a VMX in Junosphere but couldn't get it working. 
Anybody out there know if this is the correct way to do DHCP relaying on an EX9200? If not, could somebody please provide a config example of how to do this?

Chris Jones, JNCIE-ENT #272 / JNCIP-SP
SDN Engineer
Cell: 858-888-0373
E-Mail: chris at sdnessentials.com

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