[j-nsp] vstp/pvst interop issues with non-Cisco

Phil Mayers p.mayers at imperial.ac.uk
Mon Jul 27 07:15:12 EDT 2015


Has anyone run into problem with vstp/pvst interop with non-Cisco 
vendors, specifically Extreme XOS?

We have a legacy STP-based environment that will be going away soon, and 
putting an EX 4300 running 13.2X51-D26.2 into it caused a loop.

It appears the Extreme sends PVST PDUs with a trailing \x00 byte, which 
is reflected in the Ethernet "length" (a.k.a. ethertype) field.

Cisco seem to ignore this, but the Junipers seem to be dropping it. 
Worse, they're not logging/counting the drops - it's silent, even with 
"flag all" traceoptions on the vstp instance.

I'm not really interested in who is right and who is wrong with the 
on-the-wire format of the PDUs, but the silent drop thing is irritating...

Anyone else seen this?


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