[j-nsp] open source packages to monitor ex2200/vc

raf raph at futomaki.net
Sun Aug 21 11:43:27 EDT 2016

Le 19/08/2016 à 17:38, William a écrit :
> My chat with jtac ended with blaming the monitoring SW, guys at check mk
> blamed juniper thou someone would look at the problem if we paid!

Jtac answer doesn't surprise me. There are no quick fixes apart 
completely rewrite/rethink the way of snmp is implemented on junos. 
(which it obviously buggy)

Answer from check_mk community is more frustrating. I ve got the same 
style of answer from the Obversium author (fix your s***y hardware).
While they are right in some way, they refused to saw how bad their 
softs was as polling snmp, specially interface MIBs.

The right way of polling slow network devices ( ):
- caching the the oid of interfaces
- caching the relatively static information (speed, duplex, etc..., 
after all the are not intended to change everytime)
- do targeted get

Implementing quick patches this way in the poller code of Observium 
have decreased the polling time by 300%. (and mainly leave my EXs alive 
when they are polled).

Raphael Mazelier

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