[j-nsp] EX4550 - global or per-vlan mac table?

Jason Healy jhealy at logn.net
Mon Aug 22 09:31:17 EDT 2016

On Aug 22, 2016, at 4:41 AM, Jeff <Jeff.Meyers at gmx.net> wrote:
> Can someone confirm this? Will a static mac entry for the router work if I just add it to any random vlan or do  I have to add an entry for each vlan individuelly although the mac stays the same?

Might want to double-check with JTAC on that one.  We had a 4500 that had a software bug where a bunch of bogus MACs were learned (a few thousand).  However, that exposed a "feature" in the 4500's MAC-learning algorithm.  They use a hash table to store the MACs and if there are too many hash collisions the switch simply gives up trying to learn the MAC.  Because the fake MACs from the first bug were all sequential, it caused very poor hash performance and we had devices that couldn't get on the network because the switch refused to learn them (too many collisions).

Not saying that's exactly what happened to you; more of a warning that sometimes what's going on under the hood may not be entirely obvious/sane based on the documentation.


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