[j-nsp] Junos to IOS translation

Saku Ytti saku at ytti.fi
Mon Jun 6 10:06:21 EDT 2016

On 5 June 2016 at 11:10, Mohammad Khalil <eng.mssk at gmail.com> wrote:


> I want to translate from Junos to IOS , I have checked the tool on Juniper
> website , it translates from IOS to Junos not vice versa , any ideas guys?

I've done bunch of translations from A to B, and converted large networks.

This is three step process

1. define your products. What data/information do you need to provision each?
2. extract this data from configuration-A
3. turn this data into configuration-B

Translating from JunOS to IOS is actually vastly easier than from IOS
to JunOS. As it's much harder turning config into data, than turning
data into config. And in JunOS turning config into data is quite
simple, due to |display xml. So in your case, the most difficult step
is actually 1. Which should be easy if you've ever thought about
automation in the history.

Depending on how many products, how complicated products you have,
expect to be quoted from 10k to LARGE SUM to do this work, if you are
not able to do it yourself.


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