[j-nsp] EX3400 or EX4600, and HPE FlexFabric-20/40, QSFP+ DAC's

Emille Blanc emille at abccommunications.com
Tue Nov 21 09:28:07 EST 2017

Hello folks,

Trudging through the woes that are cross-vendor compatibility issues, and failing completely at getting a link between an EX3400 or EX4600, and an HPE FlexFabric-20/40 F8 card in our c7000 enclosure using an HPE branded QSFP+ 3mtr DAC.  That is to say, Juniper on one side, HPE on the other.
As an added bonus, the HPE module seems to be allergic to Juniper's QSFP completely.

After the inevitable "It's not us, it's them" back-and-forth between JTAC and HPE Support, I'm looking for any success (or failure) stories from the community.

We've been testing with a pair of HPE DACs, and they each work fine when we loop it to two QSFP+ slots in the same chassis/module.

Has anyone been successful in making such a connection in the wild?


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