[j-nsp] MX204

Chris Adams cma at cmadams.net
Wed May 16 12:47:23 EDT 2018

Once upon a time, Bill Blackford <bblackford at gmail.com> said:
> So that port config tool. It looks like I can't do 24 10g. However, I can do 20 10g and a single 100g which makes no sense to me, but then again I know nothing about the intricacies of modern ASIC design.

You can do 24x10G - that's the default config.  It requires PIC-level
speed configuration instead of port-level.

One odd thing though, it isn't just about bandwidth; you can do (at
least according to the configurator tool):

PIC0: 100G 100G 4x10G 4x10G
PIC1: 10G x 8

However, you can't change both of the 100G ports to 40G, you get an
error "Not enough MACs left on asic EA-0".

I wish there was better documentation on exactly what is going on with
Chris Adams <cma at cmadams.net>

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