[j-nsp] BGP Peering Policies - Best Practices

Louis Kowolowski louisk at cryptomonkeys.org
Mon May 20 12:58:20 EDT 2019

On May 20, 2019, at 11:50 AM, Mark Tinka <mark.tinka at seacom.mu> wrote:
> On 20/May/19 18:40, Richard Hicks wrote:
>> - Do you use policies to put prefixes into specific RIB groups?  For what
> I know many people put the Internet in a VRF, so my only comment on this
> one is that we don't do it.
> In case you are looking for folk that don't, we are in that space.
> The rest of your points should attract quite a few opinions :-).
Are there non-technical reasons for leaving the Internet on the default RIB?

Louis Kowolowski                                louisk at cryptomonkeys.org <mailto:louisk at cryptomonkeys.org>
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