[j-nsp] BGP Peering Policies - Best Practices

Theo Voss mail at theo-voss.de
Mon May 20 13:26:51 EDT 2019

Hi Rick,

some DENOG members have published their filters (or parts of it) on GitHub:


Best regards,
Theo Voss

Von: juniper-nsp <juniper-nsp-bounces at puck.nether.net> im Auftrag von Richard Hicks <richard.hicks at gmail.com>
Datum: Montag, 20. Mai 2019 um 16:41
An: "juniper-nsp at puck.nether.net" <juniper-nsp at puck.nether.net>
Betreff: [j-nsp] BGP Peering Policies - Best Practices

We are currently a mix of Juniper and Cisco.  With the Cisco routers eBGP
peering with providers, exchanges, and customers.

We will be reintroducing Juniper as peering routers.  While I have some old
Juniper BGP peering policies I can build from, I would like know what is
working, or not working, well for others.

For example:
- How many BGP groups do you use?
- How are they organized, and does it simplify or complicate policy design?
- Do you have large import/export policies, or do you chain smaller
policies together?
- What "knobs" do you have in your policies and how do you organize them...
(reject, lower-pref, raise-pref, prepend, etc...)?
- Do you use policies to put prefixes into specific RIB groups?  For what
- Is anyone aware of a Best Practices guide for Junos BGP policy design?

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