[j-nsp] ACX5448 & ACX710 - Update!

Mark Tinka mark.tinka at seacom.com
Wed Jul 29 10:23:53 EDT 2020

On 29/Jul/20 15:49, Eric Van Tol wrote:
> We ran into this, too. We signed up to beta test at the beginning of this year and nowhere, not even in discussions with our SE (who also wasn't told by Juniper), was it mentioned it was a DC-only device. Imagine my surprise when I received the box and it was DC only. Such a disappointment.

The messaging we got from them earlier in the year about trying out
their new Metro-E box was that we would be happy with it, considering
that every Metro-E solution they've thrown at us since 2008 has fallen
flat, splat!

Come game-time, even our own SE was blindsided by this DC-only support
on the ACX710. Proper show-stopper.

At any rate, the story is that they should be pushing out some new
ACX7xxx boxes from next year, which should have AC support (to you
psych. majors: more for the general public, and not the custom-built

I'm not sure I can be that patient, so I'm sniffing at Nokia's new
Metro-E product line. The problem is so far, as with Juniper and Cisco,
they've gone down the Broadcom route (some boxes shipping with Qumran,
others with Jericho 2, and on-paper, they are already failing some of
our forwarding requirements.

It's not easy...


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