[j-nsp] BGP output queue priorities between RIBs/NLRIs

Gert Doering gert at greenie.muc.de
Tue Nov 10 14:09:54 EST 2020


On Tue, Nov 10, 2020 at 01:26:09PM -0500, Rob Foehl wrote:
> Ah, maybe this is the sticking point: on a route reflector with an 
> RE-S-X6-64 carrying ~10M inet routes and ~10K evpn routes, a new session 
> toward an RR client PE needing to be sent ~1.6M inet routes (full table, 
> add-path 2) and maybe ~3K evpn routes takes between 11-17 minutes to get 
> through the initial batch.  The evpn routes only arrive at the tail end of 
> that, and may only preempt around 1000 inet routes in the output queues, 
> as confirmed by TAC.

Can you do the EVPN routes on a separate session (different loopback on
both ends, dedicated to EVPN-afi-only BGP)?  Or separate RRs?

Yes, this is not what you're asking, just a wild idea to make life
better :-)

"If was one thing all people took for granted, was conviction that if you 
 feed honest figures into a computer, honest figures come out. Never doubted 
 it myself till I met a computer with a sense of humor."
                             Robert A. Heinlein, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

Gert Doering - Munich, Germany                             gert at greenie.muc.de
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