[j-nsp] vRR License Key

Ross Halliday ross.halliday at wtccommunications.ca
Fri May 28 10:02:10 EDT 2021

Hello everyone,

I'm hoping that someone here with vRR in production is able to answer me this simple question:

After obtaining the appropriate license, is there a key that needs to be activated or installed?

Is there a command like setting R or IR mode on a hardware MPC? Is this just a paper license???

None of the information we received from Juniper upon purchase gives any indication. I have been trying to get an answer officially all week. I have been through our VAR, technical and sales reps, regional sales rep, and a Customer Service Leader, and not one of them has been able to tell me whether or not I should have a key, or generate one in the Agile portal, or what. I've been waiting on an admin ticket for two days on what should be a "yes" or "no" question.

pls halp


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