[j-nsp] Request for data from Trio EA (e.g. LC2101, MX204, etc) operators

Saku Ytti saku at ytti.fi
Thu May 19 05:06:18 EDT 2022


I'd like Trio EA operators to verify two things for me

a) Bad LACP PDU on both sides of EA link
- in syslog something like this:
- kernel: et-0/0/0: received pdu - length mismatch for lacp : len 143, pdu 124

b) L3 incompletes increasing on backbone facing interface on both
sides of EA link (local and egress PE if MPLS encapped by EA when
sending out)
- visible also in standard IF-MIB errors counter if you poll that

Do you see either/both coinciding with the introduction or upgrade of
EA devices? If so I'd like to look a bit deeper into that, but I also
appreciate it if you just tell 'we see it, unfortunately we do not at
this time have time to investigate'.


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